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Adobe announced that its newest innovation, Adobe Publish, will be released this summer 2015. The announcement was made at the Digital Innovators Summit in Berlin, Germany by Adobe’s head of digital publishing Nick Bogaty.


Adobe Publish is a platform that builds upon the foundation of Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) to bring the next generation of mobile app publishing. It will allow our customers to make mobile apps for phones and tablets without requiring development and to produce and distribute content in simple, cost-effective and modern ways.

In May, it will be five years since Adobe and Conde Nast brought Wired to the iPad. The goal then was to produce a beautiful interactive digital publication to a new and magical device. From there, Adobe built a product, Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, that has since enabled the launch of thousands upon thousands of apps and has delivered hundreds of millions of publications (.folios) to tablets and phones to people around the world. The mobile market is unquestionably better because graphic design and marketing talent have participated directly in these mobile experiences through our software.

What we have all learned over the last five years is that app users want a beautiful and immersive experience, but they also want content delivered regularly and continuously in a way that feels crafted and designed for mobile devices. What prompts someone to take their phone out of their pocket and launch an app? Fresh content on a device presented in a fantastic way.

The process of working with Fast Company to launch a new app on the App Store helped us hone our understanding of what a modern mobile experience should be and how we could build tools and capabilities to deliver that experience. And, so far so good. The market reception to the Fast Company app has been fantastic.

So, what is Adobe Publish ? There are three main tenets of the product :

  • Apps on all major mobile platforms for phones and tablets without requiring any development skills. The experience of those apps should be immersive and elegant and bring audience directly into content that is well organized and inherently feels like what a mobile experience should be.
  • Adobe Publish customers can create, organize and deliver content in a way that is extremely flexible, simple and cost-effective.
  • Enterprise-grade administration tools that are flexible enough to allow any enterprise, media company or university to organize all of the people who are involved in producing these experiences in a way that make sense. Designers, writers., marketers, producers, data analysts or outside agencies will get the flexible workflows they need to deliver amazing content into Adobe Publish apps.

Existing Adobe Digital Publishing Suite customers will get access to Adobe Publish as part of their existing license. New customers will get access to both Adobe Publish and Adobe Digital Publishing Suite.

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Valéry Girou

D.A. / DIGITAL / WEB / PRINT / Co-fondateur du site / Consultant & Formateur Digital / Web / Print

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Electric Valéry
5 mai 2015 19 h 47 min

Adobe DPS : tarifs en hausse ! Le prix pour un accompagnement personnalisé n’est pas rendu public sur le site d’Adobe. Et pour cause ! Seul un formulaire renvoie à un commercial qui évalue la nature de la demande et annonce alors la douloureuse. Pour nous aider à identifier la nature exacte de cette offre, Branislav Milic, un autre collègue et non moins talentueux expert du digital, a contacté le service commercial Adobe France en se faisant passer pour une agence prestataire capable d’assurer une partie de la prestation, et nous rapporte, via son compte Twitter, que même pour une… Lire la suite »

Arnaud Mazon
Arnaud Mazon
18 mai 2015 17 h 37 min

Bonjour, Je lis votre commentaire sur la tarification DPS et je peux vous annoncer que vous avez été mal conseillé, car à contrario de démarrer à 30.000 €, le nouveau modèle économique permet de pouvoir utiliser DPS et créer des publications à partir de 4500 € / an. Donc il faut croire que les informations données ou la réponse faite n’ont pas permis d’avoir une bonne vision du champ des possibles. Pour ce faire nous organisons le 20 Mai (après-demain) avec Adobe (chez Adobe) une session d’information autour justement de DPS, du nouveau modèle économique, et des premières informations sur… Lire la suite »

Electric Valéry
18 mai 2015 18 h 34 min

Bonjour, et merci de ce message ;
Nous ne nous sommes pas avancés sur les tarifs de Publish, car nous n’avons eut aucune info fiable jusqu’à présent.

Nous avons relayé 2 infos, l’une issue du bloc-note de Arzhur, et l’autre d’un tweet de Branislav Millic, ce que vous pouvez lire en commentaires ci-dessous… Nous serions ravis d’avoir des infos plus précises sur ce qui attend la communauté d’utilisateurs de DPS 😉

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