Keynote does Material Design (Complete) Andrew Haskin
I was pretty excited about Google’s debut of Material Design, especially the video they made to promote it. I took it on as a challenge to recreate it using Keynote, and I thought I’d share a side-by-side comparison.
For those of you who don’t know, I’m a huge advocate of using Keynote in my work. In my work, there’s constant discussion about which is the best and hottest new design tool to use. I’ve tried many of them, but in the end I still keep coming back to Keynote. It’s easy to learn and use, swapping assets is a breeze (using media placeholder), and most complex animations can be tested with Magic Move (the secret sauce to it all). Producing animations can span a range of fidelities; I can produce all the assets in Keynote, or I can copy out of Illustrator or drag and drop from Sketch (how seamless this works puts a smile on my face every time). As an interaction or visual designer, if you’re not using Keynote to test and bring your work to life, then I think you should start now! At least I hope this little experiment inspires you to try.
The fidelity of the animation is nothing like what After Effects would do, but it’s pretty close and definitely gets the job done. To be honest, it’s not a raw export from Keynote. I did edit it in FCP X to match Google’s version with the music (I think I actually spent more time matching in FCP X than actually producing the animations in Keynote).
Merci d’avoir partagé le lien Keynote pour « décortiquer » les animations material design ! Un sacré boulot ! Super
Oui, j’avoue que ça m’a aussi beaucoup amusé de voir ces animations en mode keynote 😉
Même si je reproche un peu a Apple le pb de compatibilité entre les versions iWork, j’avoue que Keynote s’est dématérialisé avec le Cloud (possibilité de visionner une Keynote sur le web avec Mac ET PC !). Les effets visuels et les transitions sont conservées dans la version Maverick et Yosemite.
Avec le tuto en lien, on peut faire des trucs géniaux !!!
L’interface de keynote est vieillote mais le soft est excellent !
Le panneau gérant notamment l’ogre des actions pourrait largement être revu et amélioré…
L’export web marche nickel en effet, et respecte toutes les animations 😉