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What’s new in v32.4.4 (March 16, 2015)

New DPS App Builder requirements for iPhone 6/6 Plus devices
DPS App Builder now requires new app icon and launch images to support Apple guidelines. Required app icons include 87×87 and 180×180 sizes for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus devices. The 120×120 icon was previously optional and is now required. New launch images include 750×1334 and 1242×2208 sizes. The 1136×640 launch image is now required.

All apps are now required to supply a 1024×1024 image for the App Store. DPS App Builder previously asked for optional 1024×1024 and 512×512 artwork images.

DPS App Builder has new requirements for Newsstand icons, which now must have 512 (SD) or 1024 (HD) pixels on the longest edge. Previously, DPS App Builder required a 96×128 image for SD devices and a 192×256 for HD devices. DPS App Builder now requires 384×512/512×384 or 768×1024/1024×768 images for Newsstand.

The DPS Asset Generator supports these new sizes. See Working with the DPS Asset Generator.

iOS viewer support of iPhone 6/6 Plus renditions

Additional rendition sizes are now supported for targeting iPhone 6 (1334×750) and 6 Plus (1920×1080 physical; 2208×1242 logical) devices. We recommend that you create 1136×640 folios for iPhone 5 and higher, but these additional folio sizes are now supported for renditions.

iOS viewer bug fixes

A bug was fixed for iOS viewers in which Apple was rejecting some apps because the bundle string was longer than 18 characters. The bundle string for iOS viewers now begins with v32.5. For details, see Bug Fix Release Notes.

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Valéry Girou

D.A. / DIGITAL / WEB / PRINT / Co-fondateur du site / Consultant & Formateur Digital / Web / Print

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