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Create Flash & HTML5 flipbooks

With ePageCreator, you can turn your PDF and image files into digital page flip publications in minutes. Our flipbook software is available for both PC and Mac and will be installed locally into your computer. So you have full control of your flipbooks. You are able to host them on your own website or any other websites. You can also put them on CD/DVD, USB drive and any other offline media for offline reading. Our flipbook software also supports HTML5 output for mobile devices. This feature allows users to view your flipbooks on iPad/iPhone/iPod, Android smartphone & tablets and other mobile devices. Flipbook has the ability to detect devices automatically to provide the right version. For those readers who want to view your publications offline, we provide a free app for them to download/transfer flipbooks into their devices.

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Publish Anywhere

ePageCreator allows you to create Flash, HTML5, ePub, Mobi, EXE and Zip format. With iCreateApp, you can also create native App for iOS and Android in minutes without coding. Flash format for PC and Mac, HTML5 for mobile devices, ePub and Mobi for eReader. EXE and Zip for putting into CD/USB, hard drive or email to others for offline reading. iOS App for AppStore. Android App for Google Play.

HTML5 for Mobile devices

You can trun your PDF to HTML5 format, which can be viewed on most popular mobile devices. Your publications can be created in HTML5 as well as Flash and they can be read on iPad/iPhone/iPod, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 8 tablets and other mobile devices.

ePub and Mobi

When publishing your publication, eBook option lets you create ePub and Mobi files for eReaders which includes iBook, Kobo, Nook, Sony and other e-readers.

Rich Media & Hyperlinks

Embed multimedia such as audio, video, YouTube video, button, picture and Flash animation to pages of your publication. ePageCreator has the ability to automatically import hyperlinks from your PDF. You can also manually insert links, including internal/external links, goto page links, play audio links, play video links, display image links, show message links. [/wt-column][wt-column width=’one-half’ last=true]

APP for Android

We also provide an Android App for publishing your publications into Android devices. This means your readers can read these publications on Android smartphones and tablets without internet connection.

App for iOS

With our free native iOS App – FlipExplorer, it’s really easy to publish your publications into iPad/iPhone/iPod. So your readers can read your publications offline.

Social Media Integration

This feature allows your readers to share the ebooks they like via email or social networks, like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

Tracking with Google Analytics

Measure and track all reader behavior, including number of vistors, visits and page views, time spent on publication, time spent on page, links clicked, audios played, videos played, keywords searched and many more…

User interface in multi-languages

Currently ePageCreator supports 14 languages for interface of publication, they are: English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian, Simplified Chinese, Tranditional Chinese, Dutch, Russian, Arabic and Korean. More languages will be added, as per your request. [/wt-column][/wt-row] [wt-row][wt-column width=’one-third’] 3 [/wt-column][wt-column width=’one-third’] 2 [/wt-column][wt-column width=’one-third’ last=true] 0000 [/wt-column][/wt-row] [wt-row][wt-column width=’one-third’]


A few highly realistic 3D Bookmarks make your publication more
professional, more interactive and easier to access. Your audience
can fast access to respective pages of the flipbook. [/wt-column][wt-column width=’one-third’]

Sticky notes

ePageCreator’s Sticky Notes allow you to quickly write
something down when reading. The note will be saved
on reader’s computer. It can be read, moved, edited or
deleted easily. [/wt-column][wt-column width=’one-third’ last=true]

Highlight Important words

Is it a good idea to highlight the important words in a
publication? Use ePageCreator’s Highlighter to mark
and find important text in your publication couldn’t be easier.[/wt-column][/wt-row] href="" data-color-override="false" data-hover-color-override="false" data-hover-text-color-override="#fff">Button Text href="" data-color-override="false" data-hover-color-override="false" data-hover-text-color-override="#fff">Button Text

Valéry Girou

D.A. / DIGITAL / WEB / PRINT / Co-fondateur du site / Consultant & Formateur Digital / Web / Print

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