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Apple vient de publier, comme le signale Macbidouille (et MacPlus), une page expliquant les principales causes de rejet d’une application soumise à validation sur ses stores.

Ainsi, 14% des applications rejetées le sont par manque d’informations de la part de leurs développeurs, 8% pour cause de bugs (règle 2.2 des Guidelines : « Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected ») et 6% « did not comply with terms in the Developer Program License Agreement ».

Une fois corrigée, votre application pourra bien entendu être soumise à nouveau au processus de validation, et, en cas de désaccord, vous pourrez faire une réclamation auprès de l’équipe chargée de la validation. Il arrive d’ailleurs que cela se révèle nécessaire (oui ça m’est arrivé) pour pousser les lutins à regarder avec plus de rigueur vos ‘binaries’, certains (lutins) ayant tendance à cliquer sur le bouton rouge un peu hâtivement !

On remarquera que Other Reasons représente tout de même 42% des rejets…


Common App Rejections

« Before you develop your app, it’s important to become familiar with the technical, content, and design criteria that we use to review all apps. We’ve highlighted some of the most common issues that cause apps to get rejected to help you better prepare your apps before submitting them for review. »

Crashes and Bugs

You should submit your app for review only when it is complete and ready to be published. Make sure to thoroughly test your app on devices and fix all bugs before submitting.

Broken Links

All links in your app must be functional. A link to user support with up-to-date contact information is required for all apps, and if you’re offering auto-renewable or free subscriptions or your app is in the Kids Category, you must also provide a link to your privacy policy.

Placeholder Content

Finalize all images and text in your app before sending it in for review. Apps that are still in progress and contain placeholder content are not ready to be distributed and cannot be be approved.

Incomplete Information

Enter all of the details needed to review your app in the App Review Information section of iTunes Connect. If some features require signing in, provide a valid demo account username and password. If there are special configurations to set, include the specifics. If features require an environment that is hard to replicate or require specific hardware, be prepared to provide a demo video or the hardware. Also, please make sure your contact information is complete and up-to-date.


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Valéry Girou

D.A. / DIGITAL / WEB / PRINT / Co-fondateur du site / Consultant & Formateur Digital / Web / Print

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