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DPS System Status vous tient au jus des bugs fix et problèmes reportés sur la Digital Publishing Suite. Vous pouvez vous inscrire afin de recevoir les mises à jours faites par la DPS team.

Adobe DPS and iPhone 6 Plus

Customers have reported to Adobe that in some instances DPS applications are not displaying correctly on the iPhone 6 Plus running iOS8.1. The DPS team is currently investigating. We have tested the most common iOS devices and OS combinations and have isolated this issue to the iPhone 6 Plus and iOS8.1. We have determined that upgrading to the latest DPS viewer (v32.2) and resubmitting your application corrects the problem.

The DPS Current Known Issues page will provide you with details on issues that we are aware of with the 32.2 release of DPS.

Adobe DPS v32.2 now available

This release includes bug fixes to iOS and Android viewers. See the bug fix release notes page for details.

iOS viewers

  • Some DPS customers have reported issues with their DPS applications not displaying correctly on the iPhone 6 Plus on iOS 8.1. The DPS team is investigating the issue, but we have determined that upgrading to the latest DPS viewer (v32.2) and resubmitting your application corrects the problem.
  • In some cases, the « Restore Purchases » option in v32 apps is not working properly on iOS 8 devices. This issue is being investigated.
  • In v32.x apps, free preview doesn’t work if called from a custom URL scheme when logged in to entitlement. The end user gets an error during download and cannot start the download because the file is missing or invalid. This issue is being investigated.
  • In some instances, Web Content overlays that link to YouTube videos do not play properly on iOS 8 devices. This issue is being investigated.

Android viewers

  • When switching from a WiFi connection to a cellular connection during a folio download, the reader is not prompted with a download warning. This issue is being addressed.
  • When returning to a full-screen video after tapping the device’s recent app button, the paused video appears as a black screen. Playing the video again causes it to display correctly. This bug is being addressed.
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Valéry Girou

D.A. / DIGITAL / WEB / PRINT / Co-fondateur du site / Consultant & Formateur Digital / Web / Print

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Vincent Suzat
3 novembre 2014 11 h 21 min

Il n'empêche que toutes mises à jours faites, j'ai toujours des plantages d'appli faites en DPS (Canal + Magazine, Du côté de chez vous, Renault Koléos…).

Vincent Suzat
3 novembre 2014 11 h 22 min

Et le paradoxe est que ces applis fonctionnent très bien dans le Content Viewer…

7 novembre 2014 2 h 43 min

Petite rectification: l'application des magazines CANAL+, réalisée par mes soins, est sur Aquafadas! Par contre, je ne peux pas assurer qu'elle ne plante pas

Branislav Milic
9 novembre 2014 15 h 48 min

Quand une boîte se voit obligée de tenir à jour un système pareil pour rendre compte des problèmes (sic) et des corrections permanentes (re sic) à apporter en 24/7, c'est que le système est dangereux, moi je dis.

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