À l’occasion du festival américain SxSW, la société a dévoilé une « table interactive ». Plus exactement, le système fonctionne avec un projecteur qui va capter les mouvements des mains et la pression exercée sur la surface en question. Mieux, ce prototype peut également rendre un élément posé sur la table interactif. (Source)
The interaction, however, seems truly fantastic. Scanning a line from Alice in Wonderland, for example, causes a few virtual objects, some of them animated, to be displayed on the table. These can be moved around using fingers and can be even made to interact with real-world objects like teacups and a deck of cards. The system can clearly mark objects and identify your fingers.
Although primarily aimed at film, music, and interactive media, SxSW has also become a prime opportunity for some companies to show off products and ideas that lie at the intersection of technology and the arts. Sony has already pre-announced that it would indeed be at the event, showing off some rad prototypes like the « N » from its newly announced Future Lab. Apparently, it wasn’t the only head turner from the company, which might have been this « smart projector » that turns any flat surface into an interactive table. (Source & Source)